It's Nice To Meet You


tl;dr I love bringing my thoughts to life with design and sharing my vision with anyone who cares to see it out with me.

Who am I?

I’m an aspiring mechanical/ industrial designer, at the University of Waterloo in Systems Design Engineering. Just like any other student, school was my way of trying to figure out what I like doing in the field of engineering.

The Journey and the Mistakes

In high school, I found a passion for industrial design engineering because I was able to translate my artistic background in a technical way for different areas of engineering. Being able to draw up potential designs which answered specific problems that I was challenged with, then being able to figure out which of those designs would work best for the problem, and finally making the final product come to life by utilizing 3D modelling programs and manufacturing processes are just a few things in the field that I fell I love with.

Since arriving to university, I’ve made a bunch of mistakes especially those with respect to career choices. I strayed from the path I enjoyed most and pressured myself into learning software because most of my peers chose that path. I felt like the dumb one of the bunch who didn’t enjoy coding, nor did I care much about it. It took me a while to clearly remember my passion again because of how much I supressed it to essentially “fit in” with my peers, but I feel like I’m back on track now. And to be honest it was probably a good thing that I did some software because I recently got into working with hardware and I think it’s really cool to see things function right before your eyes.

Good Design vs Great Design

Being in a program which is fairly design oriented, we’ve learned about how to design something and the process you use, but not so much about what good design entails. Like many designers, I to use Dieter Rams’ principles of good design and make sure that my designs hit most of the points in that list; or whichever points happen to be applicable at the time. But what is great design? I think great design is subjective, it’s based off of how individuals feel a design meets their own personal style. Great design to me is personal. My designs are meant to speak on behalf of myself and showcase my artistic vision in a unique way that nobody else can mimic because it’s my personal vision. And just the same I wouldn’t be able to mimic anyone else’s artistic vision and have that design speak on behalf of them.

Great design to me are those bigger points; great design is honest, is innovative, is thorough down to the last detail, is as little design as possible, but it's also personal.

What I’ve Learned on this Journey So Far

I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter if you’re a good or bad designer, what matters is that you have a style and you try to develop that style to better yourself. I personally don’t care about being the best designer in the world because I know that there’s always going to be someone better than me. I want to consistently create the best work I can and share my passion with everyone, especially those who genuinely care about my work.


Below are a few projects I've done. Click on them to check out my work.

Mouse Concept

Industrial Design

Retisoft Project

Robotic System Layout Design

USB Drive Case

Industrial Design

Automated Plant Waterer

Industrial Design

Miscellaneous Designs

Industrial Design

Original Website

Website Design


Contact Me

Email:    jayson.bharuchi@gmail.com

Email:    jbharuch@uwaterloo.ca

Phone:    (416) 527-3999